Charity No: 1075109

WO1 Mick Stanion


WO1 Mick Stanion RM joined the Royal Marines in 1990. After successfully completing training, he was posted to 40 Commando RM as a Rifleman. Whilst serving in Alpha Company he completed training in the Arctic, Caribbean and Gulf, saw Operations on OP BANNER in Northern Ireland, and aboard HMS Brilliant in support of SFOR / Former Yugoslavia.

In 1995 WO1 Stanion was drafted to HMS Boxer as a member of the Royal Marines Ships detachment deploying to the Adriatic. On completion WO1 Stanion served both in 45 and 42 Commando RM units deploying in 1998 on Op BANNER. Promoted to Cpl (OR4) and specialising as a Platoon Weapons Instructor (PW2) in 2000, he commenced the rewarding job as a Recruit training team instructor at the Commando Training Centre Royal Marines.

Posted to Fleet Protection Group Royal Marines (FPGRM), he deployed as a Ships Force Protection Team and conducted anti-piracy Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIOPs) deployments in the Arabian Gulf, moving to the training office as the Unit PW2. Selected for promotion to Sergeant (OR6) and PW1 specialist training complete, he returned to FPGRM as a Troop Sgt in support of Op FARDRUM, also deploying in the Gulf region once again on MIOPs and a Short-Term Training Team (STTT) for Op MONOGRAM in Yemen.

On the creation of Special Forces Support Group (SFSG) in 2006, he was successfully employed in a number of roles within in the unit and deployed on operations. Selected for promotion to CSgt  (OR7) in 2009 he returned to CTCRM as the Phase 2 CSgt in Commando Training Wing. During this draft, he was deployed on a STTT operating in Pakistan. 2011 he was promoted to WO2 (OR8) and was assigned back to SFSG as ‘A’ Company Sergeant Major for two years.

Following successful boarding and promotion to WO1 (OR9) in 2013 he was posted to the Joint Counter Terrorist Training Advisory Team (JCTTAT), where his region of responsibility was Pakistan for two years before moving onto the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Team. In 2015 WO1 Stanion was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal in recognition for his contribution and service to the Royal Marines and wider service.

In 2016 WO1 Stanion was appointed Specialisation Advisor for the Platoon Weapons Branch responsible for the career management and professional development of 350 personnel ranging from OR2 to OR9. He was then selected in 2018 to serve at the United Kingdom Naval Support Facility (UKNSF) in Bahrain as the Base Warrant Officer (BWO), supporting UKMCC operations in the Joint Operations Area and liaising with the Command Senior Enlisted Leaders (CSELs) within the United States 5th Fleet and coalition partners.

March 2019, he joined HMS ARGYLL in the role of Executive Warrant Officer conducting national tasking’s and deployed on OP KIPION in 2020. For his efforts he was awarded a Royal Navy Commendation. On return he assumed the role as CSEL for NATO’s Allied Maritime Command (MARCOM) in October 2020.

WO1 Stanion is married and has two daughters. Home is in the West Country where he enjoys family life whilst making the most of the coastal region. This is where he enjoys trying not to drown whilst Kayaking, Paddle boarding and makes use of his VW Camper as his second home.

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